Switzerland +41 445 863 644
Precise valuation of damages after a collision and comprehensive liquidation of car damages.
Switzerland +41 445 863 644
Car collision in Germany Berlin, Brandenburg, Potsdam? Road accident in the area of Berlin, Brandenburg, Potsdam ?
MOTOEXPERT car technology experts will help!
Car appraiser MOTOEXPERT – Switzerland +41 445 863 644 Pan ing. Alexander Smirnov is one of the German, independent car technology experts who provides a wide range of technical services related to the assessment and valuation of motor vehicle damage after road accidents and collisions abroad. In addition, the automotive expert from Berlin is a regional partner of the MOTOEXPERT network, with which he cooperates by providing independent technical services to the customers of the network.
The clients and recipients of the services of the MOTOEXPERT automotive appraiser are both injured German citizens and foreigners who have had a non-culpable traffic accident abroad (Germany, Austria, Switzerland).
Car appraiser Berlin – valuation of post-accident damage, liquidation of damages
The car technology appraiser Berlin is an experienced and qualified autoexpert who belongs to the MOTOEXPERT network appraisers. The network, in turn, specializes in giving opinions and valuing motor damages and calculating the costs of repairing damaged post-accident vehicles. Due to the fact that all services provided by the MOTOEXPERT network and car appraisers are performed independently and at the highest possible level, each injured person using the services of the network can receive a fully objective and comprehensive technical opinion, on the basis of which it will be possible to receive motor vehicle compensation.
Liquidation of accident claims abroad
Niemiecki rzeczoznawca motoryzacyjny Berlin wykonuje usługi związane z wyceną szkód komunikacyjnych również dla polskich poszkodowanych, którzy ulegli niezawinionemu wypadkowi lub kolizji drogowej na terenie Niemiec, w Austrii lub Szwajcarii. W takich przypadkach skorzystanie przez polskiego kierowcę z pomocy niezależnego eksperta techniki samochodowej w Berlinie pozwala na sporządzenie obiektywnej kalkulacji szkody bezpośrednio na terenie Niemiec. Dzięki szybko wykonanym oględzinom szkody oraz wykonaniu powypadkowej opinii technicznej przez rzeczoznawcę sieci MOTOEXPERT proces likwidacji szkody i czas oczekiwania przez poszkodowanego na wypłatę odszodowania może być znacznie krótszy.
The MOTOEXPERT network and car experts of the network offer technical assistance consisting in the valuation of motor damages for drivers who:
have suffered a non-culpable traffic damage in Germany, Austria or Switzerland with a vehicle with Polish registration marks
suffered a traffic damage through no fault of their own in Germany, Austria or Switzerland with a vehicle with Swiss registration marks
suffered a traffic damage through no fault of their own in Germany, Austria or Switzerland with a vehicle with registration marks of one of the European Union countries (e.g. French, Belgian, Italian, Czech, Dutch)
suffered a traffic damage through no fault of their own within the European Union by a vehicle with German, Austrian or Swiss registration marks
Car appraiser Berlin
In addition to the standard services of valuing the value of post-accident damage, which the MOTOEXPERT network and the car appraiser Berlin offer to people injured in road accidents not at fault, it is possible for MOTOEXPERT to verify the already existing technical opinion on motor damage free of charge.
Therefore, if you have been injured in an accident or a traffic collision abroad (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, EU) and want to take advantage of the MOTOEXPERT network offer and make an independent valuation of the traffic damage, please contact us!
Our automotive technology experts will be happy to answer your questions and assess the accident damage.
We invite you!
–Switzerland +41 445 863 644